Editing Item Details
You are able to edit the item details. To edit item details, click the Item Details to bring this portion of the form to the front.
- The Edit Item form for the selected item appears. The Item Details tab is to the front.
- Item Number: enter the change to the item number in the Item Number field.
- Alternate Number: enter the change to the alternate number in the Alternate Number field.
- Description: enter the change to the item's description in the Description field.
- Model: can be changed or cleared; click the drop-down arrow in this field and select the model from the list that appears. To clear this field, select the Clear icon
- Manufacturer: can be changed or cleared; click the drop-down arrow in this field and select the manufacturer from the list that appears. To clear this field, select the Clear icon
- Category: can be changed or cleared, click the drop-down arrow in this field and select the category from the list that appears. To clear this field, select the Clear icon
- Comments: can be changed; enter any changes to the comment in the Comments area.
- Item Image: the item image can be added, changed or removed from this item; see "Editing the Item Picture".
- Uses Serial Number checkbox: If the default division of the logged-in user allows serial numbers, this option is available and may be changed if this item has not been added to inventory. If this item is contained in inventory, this setting cannot be changed.
- Uses Lot checkbox: If the default division of the logged-in user allows lots, this option is available and may be changed if this item does not reside in inventory. If this item is contained in inventory, this setting cannot be changed.
- Uses Expiration Date checkbox: if the default division of the logged-in user allows expiration dates, this option is available and may be changed if it is not contained in inventory. If this item resides in inventory, this setting cannot be changed.
- Track Cost checkbox: if the default division of the logged-in user tracks unit cost, this option is available and may be changed.
Note: The item unit cost is only calculated / updated when an item is received into inventory via a receipt, return, or receive transaction.
Warning: The Average cost tracking method takes into account the inventory quantity for the item. If you are adopting the Average cost tracking method, we recommend adjusting the item quantity to zero for the Track Cost items so that the unit cost is accurate (see "Cost Tracking" for more information).
- Uses RFID checkbox: if the default division of the logged-in user uses RFID, this option is available and may be changed.
- Asset checkbox: if the role of the logged-in user contains the Assets feature, this option is available. You may change this setting.
- To make this item an asset-type item, mark this checkbox.
- To change this item to a non asset-type item, unmark this check box. Please note that if this item contains an asset or assets, this setting cannot be changed. You must retire the item’s assets and then delete them in order to change this setting.
- Depreciation Class field: appears when the role of the logged-in user includes the Depreciation featureThis assets feature is a division-level setting. When available and ON for the division, the user is able to reach the Assets > Depreciation Classes option and the Depreciation Classes page. The user is also able to associate a depreciation class with an asset-type item via the Depreciation Class field at the Item form, enter depreciation information for the asset at the Asset form, and calculate depreciation for an asset.. The information in the depreciation class that is associated with this item is used to calculate the depreciation for all assets that are associated with this item.
- Add a depreciation class to the item by clicking the drop-down arrow in this field and selecting a depreciation class from the list that appears.
- Edit the depreciation class by clicking the drop-down arrow and selecting another depreciation class from the list that appears.
- Remove the depreciation class from this field by clicking the Clear